The Great Awakening, Wainuiatea

The Spiritual Awakening

Courses to help you navigate the spiritual path to inner ascension and enlightenment

Self Mastery

Courses like the Self Mastery Journey are delivered online, so you can learn at your own pace

Activate your  BluePrint

We provide learners with access to a comprehensive online learning portal with a full repertoire of exercises

 Welcome to The Temple of  Hawaiki

This Pacific Village and Temple , is coded ancient wisdom from many star systems and constellations in the celestial realms of IO. Ancient Wisdom that has now been remembered and birthed into the center of the universe, Wainuiatea, in Hawaiki (ancient home of the pacific people).

This Temple was created to connect like minded celestial souls across the pacific and world. It is a soul journey of rediscovering who we are through whakapapa (geneaology and remembering our enate wisdom embedded in our dna.  This temple is designed to bring more love, unity, and balance while reclaiming our power and stepping in to our fullest potential.

Temple of Hawaiki is here to bring a connection of online courses, events and sacred spaces in the community.

The Temple mission is to help ACTIVATE your SOUL blueprint and PURPOSE on this earth, one soul at a time.

The Return of the Chosen Ones

We are all Chosen multi dimensional beings, but many of us have forgotten. We are the Atua-AtuaRei, Starseeds, Lightworkers, Wisdom keepers, Time travellers, Healers, Creatives who have returned to Earth from the Stars. We are the souls that are awakening to higher callings of truth and purpose. We are the rebels who will no longer conform to society norms. We are here to pave our own way to freedom love, peace and unity. Join the Galactic village!
Reconnect To Remember

You are remembering who you are

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We are all Chosen, but many have forgotten. We are the Atua-AtuaRei, Starseeds, Lightworkers, Wisdom keepers, Time travellers, Healers, Creatives who have returned to Earth from the Stars. We are the souls that are awakening to higher callings of truth and purpose. We are the rebels who will no longer conform to society norms. We are here to pave our own way to freedom love, peace and unity. Join the Galactic village!

Write your awesome label here.

The secrets of Design
What is 5D New Earth?

5D consciousness is essentially living from a heart-centered space. It’s really about coming into a heart-centered space and living in this space of love with an open heart. 5D New Earth is a frequency and vibration of the 5th Dimensional realm of consciousness. It is filled with love, peace, balance and harmony and is the "Heaven on Earth" activated from within your physical vessel. It is a state of consciousness that humanity is ascending to all across the planet. It is a choice and process of waking up to the truth of who YOU really are. It is a frequency and vibration that requires inner work and immense self love on the self discovery journey.

A Village of Heart Centered Celestial Leaders 

You are the Healer and Light Bearer of gifts! Your gifts are needed in this world

We are remembering our power and awakening to who we are and why we are here on this earth !

A community of souls, spreading love, sharing our truths, healing in our community and serving our people.

The Divine Feminine Blue Print

Learn to use all the related tools, walk into a job and be a rockstar from day one
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Here is what we will cover in our courses

Elevate in your career

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Expert instructors

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Satisfaction guaranteed

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Material you’ll love

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Set and achieve goals

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Flexible payment options

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Temple of Hawaiki Village

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Each soul that enters Temple of Hawaiki, is encouraged to be who they truly are - without hiding, without fixing, or without changing for external validation. Being able to express and find your most authentic self in whatever shape or form .

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